You have probably heard that unprotected repeated exposure to sunlight is what causes skin cancer. This is true to a degree, but it is not sunlight that causes the development of skin cancer. It is actually the UV rays emitted by the sun.
There is a misconception that tanning beds are safer than tanning under the sun, but this is not the case. Tanning beds actually have a higher risk of causing skin cancer, because they emit higher levels of UV rays that are significantly closer to the skin. In fact, the World Health Organization has placed tanning beds in the same category as cigarettes when it comes to the risk of causing cancer.
At Boca Mohs Surgery, we aim to help prevent the development of skin cancer and provide patients with the surgical care they need to treat their skin cancer. If you would like to learn more about skin cancer, how to protect yourself, and Mohs surgery, contact us to schedule a consultation.