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Learning More About Melanoma

Published on May 18, 2020

Melanoma is a serious type of skin cancer. It is not as common as SCC (squamous cell carcinoma) or BCC (basal cell carcinoma). However, melanoma’s ability to rapidly spread to and attack the other organs (if not detected early and

The Process of Mohs Surgery

Published on March 17, 2020

For addressing skin cancer and removing the tumor the commonly used effective procedure is Mohs surgery. Both squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma can be removed with this process. As a micrographic surgery this one is done by slowly

Learning About Melanoma

Published on March 17, 2020

Melanoma is a dangerous type of skin cancer that occurs when the pigment-producing cells of your skin, called melanocytes, go out of control and become malignant. Melanocytes produce melanin, which is responsible for the natural color of your skin. Melanin

How Long Will Mohs Surgery Take?

Published on October 7, 2019
mohs surgery

Mohs surgery requires an immense amount of patience and precision to perform. Skin cancer surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Marcus will not be able to tell how many layers of tissue will need to be removed until the process has begun and

Protecting Your Eyelids from Skin Cancer

Published on August 24, 2019

There are areas of the body that may not always be on your mind when it comes to practicing proper sun safety. The eyelids are one area that can be easy to neglect because they are so small, but these

What is Mohs Surgery?

Published on July 28, 2019

Mohs surgery is a specialized form of skin cancer removal treatment. This treatment was named after the physical who created the technique, Dr. Frederic Mohs. Mohs Surgery is different from other forms of skin cancer treatment in that is uses

Understanding Your Mohs Procedure Boca Raton

Published on June 28, 2019

Mohs micrographic surgery was original developed in the 1930’s and has since gone on to become the most advanced and effective treatment for a large variety of skin cancers. Mohs specific, unique technique helps physicians to identify and remove tumors

Nervous About Your Mohs Surgery?

Published on April 22, 2019

Being diagnosed with skin cancer can be a difficult thing to deal with. Anxiety over what comes next is commonly experienced. Knowing what to expect – from the diagnosis process to the treatments needed – can help to better prepare

The Clear Advantage of Mohs Surgery

Published on March 12, 2019

When it comes to tackling skin cancer, Mohs surgery is undeniably one of the best treatment options available. Mohs surgery offers a number of advantages, and the procedure has been shown to be 97% effective at completely eliminating most skin

Can I Eat Before My Procedure?

Published on December 31, 2018

Have you ever had medical tests or procedures that required you to not eat anything for a period of 12 or 24 hours? Thankfully, you don’t have to go through that inconvenience with Mohs surgery. At Boca Mohs, we know